AK Acres Popcorn Company began in
the early 80's as an extension of the farming operations of Dennis
Kunnemann and his father Arnold Kunnemann. Upon realizing the tremendous
popcorn production potential of southwest Nebraska they decided
to cease active farming and devote their time exclusively to contracting,
processing, and marketing high quality popcorn.
AK Acres Popcorn Company has since grown into one of the largest
popcorn producers in the high plains region. Today AK Acres operates
two processing facilities and has the capacity to process and store
over thirty million pounds of popcorn every year.
AK Acres Popcorn Company operates primarily as a worldwide popcorn
wholesaler. The majority of our customers are distributors, packagers,
snack food retailers, and poppers who purchase our popcorn in bulk.
AK Acres is centrally located within the United States and has its
own rail spur which gives the company the ability to serve the entire
United States including the coastal ports and Mexico. Its relative
proximity to the west coast and Mexico gives AK Acres a regional
freight advantage over its competitors to the east.
With our central location in one of the most progressive agricultural
areas in the United States and our twenty years of experience we
are confident that we can supply premium quality bulk popcorn at
the most competitive prices in the industry. We thank you for considering
our company and we look forward to serving you in the future.